Are You LIVING Together, or DYING Together?
(a Finalist in the 2012 New Mexico/Arizona Book Awards) As a Holistic Life and Wellness Coach for many years, this book contains the TOOLS used by Dr. Wanda for all of her clients. These tools are like a MAP. You need a MAP to get to your destination. Once you reach your destination, you no longer need a MAP. If your destination is wholeness, peace, harmony, and health in BODY, MIND, and SOUL, these tools are your MAP to get you there. Dr. Wanda urges you to “USE SKILLS, NOT PILLS”. She teaches you that “knowledge is power” and WISDOM ends all suffering. We came to this Planet to bring out the INNER Powers within all of us. This book teaches you first of all SELF-KNOWLEDGE and secondly KNOWLEDGE OF OTHERS. You need to learn how to treat people the way THEY want to be treated. This book will give you the tools (MAP), which will take you there. Dr. Wanda is not trying to FIX you, because, in reality, you are not broken. You are made in the “image & likeness” of your Creator as your Father/Mother God. All that the Creator is, so are you. The attributes of the Creator are wisdom, love, strength, and power. We came to bring out these inner powers. You will discover, as Dr, Wanda has, that you can create “heaven on earth”, your destiny.
Life Begins at 70! Yes 70 is the new 40
(Dr. Wanda gifted each of the guests at her 70th Birthday bash because this booklet is her life). This mini-book spells out the three powerful hindsight she’d like to share with the world. It is all so CLEAR now. Your CONSCIOUSNESS is really the KEY to cracking the “aging code” and even reversing the so-called “aging” process. Learn the thoughts and actions you can take to be as Bob Dylan’s song and lyrics say: “Forever Young”.
(a Finalist in the 2012 New Mexico/Arizona Book Awards) As a Holistic Life and Wellness Coach for many years, this book contains the TOOLS used by Dr. Wanda for all of her clients. Dr. Wanda urges you to “USE SKILLS, NOT PILLS”. She teaches you that “knowledge is power” and WISDOM ends all suffering. You will discover, as Dr, Wanda has, that you can create “heaven on earth”, your destiny.
Tells you how to do this by becoming a “Vibrant Vegan” (Vee-gun). This simple little mini-book can show you how you can become fit and ageless at any age. It is never too late to begin. This mini-book will tell you how, in a “down-to-earth” way, how you can become virtually immune to heart disease, obesity & diabetes. It is a small book you can carry with you everywhere. Don’t take Dr. Wanda Glamm’s word for it, try it. It has a number of yummy recipes and menus for your start-up plan.